This page talks about how we collect data and what we do with it. Simply put, we don't collect anything unless you contact us. We do NOT use cookies and we do not track users in any way. Our host may, but we have been assured it is non-specific user oriented tracking to determine loads on servers. More detail is below.

THEY improv provides improv comedy, game shows, and murder mystery dinners for entertainment options for their clients throughout the US, Canada, Europe, and beyond. There are many overlapping regulations that often contradict. We avoid all this by simply never collecting any data at all. We are practically Luddites!

While dealing with our clients and our prospects if important, we value the privacy of people who contact us about their events. We do not process or aggregate data in any form, and certainly do not collect any information whatsoever unless someone contacts us by phone or email. Even then, such information is not stored on-line, is not provided to any third parties in any form, unless with permission and because such shared information is needed to provide service to our clients. Even then, we're not providing unneeded information, just the information needed for the providing of the services.

What information do we get and how do we get it?

There are few reasons that we ever get information about anyone.

1) Someone emails us asking for information. In this case there may be contact information in their email itself. This might include phone numbers and their email address or even a physical address. Such contact information is only used to respond. It is only kept in an actual email inbox. This information is archived off-line and is never shared with others. It's possible that information may be stored throughout the web as emails go back and forth, but only as any email would normally do so. Including information in your standard emails is asking for such information to be shared and we have no control over those circumstances. Please remove any personal information from your emails and just share with us your email for us to respond to. Information in our control is not shared, but we don't control the information before it gets to us.

2) We are asked for a proposal. For this we get basic information for a contract. This will include a physical address, phone numbers, and an email address. To provide you with this contract, we will usually send it in PDF format through email. The contract on our side, and you potentially sending it back signed, will never be saved in an on-line environment. Contracts are printed and the email deleted. The personal information is on the cover page, and isn't required to be sent back to us. Thus, it is limited in terms of exposure. From our side it is destroyed and the information from the client is only kept for record keeping / tax purposes, and is not in an online environment.

3) Credit Card or other Payment Information. If you contract with us, such information is stored physically until used, and we utilize top-notch credit card clearing, etc. that does not even give us access to the data of the clients once the payment has been processed.

4) Who is responsible for the data, how it is used and processed? Our Director is responsible for handling the data, but it is never processed or given to anyone except for the express purpose of providing services. At every stage, the clients are aware of the information that they have provided, why it might be used, and how it might be used.

Want to test our system? Call us a second time and see how little we remember of the first conversation. Unless we move to a contract phase, we DO NOT have your personal information written in any form in any location.

5) How can you get us to expunge any data we might have? If you are worried at all about any information that we might have, you can always ask our Director what we might have, what we have done with it, what we might still need to do with it, and we would be happy to answer. If you ever want any data expunged, we are more than happy to do so. Simply contact our Director and let us know. We will not accept such requests from third parties, but are happy to comply with any direct requests. We need such requests to be directly from the person who owns the date, because we don't want to disrupt potential service without permission.

If you have any questions about this policy, feel free to contact us using the information below or from our Contact page.

THEY improv now leads the way for Caribbean corporate events, private parties and corporate training through team building workshops and other methods. If you have a company looking for unique and entertaining methods for improving your business, look to THEY improv, LLC to consult with you and bring you the best talent to work with your group.

THEY improv can provide these in hotels, resorts and on cruise ships in Aruba, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British and US Virgin islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, the Florida Keys, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico and the rest of the Greater and Lesser Antilles, and many other locations.

THEY improv has worked for over half of the Fortune 500 in the U.S. and seeks to serve their clients wherever they might go. This means having people and relationships to serve clients throughout the Caribbean. Sometimes travel is involved as well as legal filings depending on dates chosen, locations and availability of staff. Simply contact us to determine what these needs might be.


We service the entire region from the THEY improv HQ in the United States. The best way to contact us is by email at Later, we can set up Zoom or Teams meetings or phone calls.